Traffic Flow Dynamics and Simulation (Master) SS 2024NewsThis lecture is only held in the summer semesters. In the winter semesters, the presented material is that of the last course. I keep it online for information purposes(2024-09-30) The exams have been evaluated. Those of you who want to check their examination are invited to write me a mail (general) Many points of my lecture can be interactively simulated online at my simulator traffic-simulation.de (general) Starting with the summer semester 2020, this Master's course will be delivered in English. The German script will still be available. It becomes, however, more and more incomplete and obsolete as the course develops. (general) The full curriculum is also included in the textbook Traffic flow dynamics (Springer, 2013, also available as an e-book). However, the material to be provided on this site will also cover the whole course (Also available in German: Treiber/Kesting, Verkehrsflussdynamik, Springer, 2010) Slides
Slides (German)(Only for imformation purposes. They do not longer fit 1:1 with the curriculum.)
Lecture Notes
LinksReferences:The complete course (and more) is covered by each of the following textbooks:
Martin Treiber |